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Delivery is generally
within 2-10 days, depending
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30 days returns

Return will not accepted if the product is opened or after use. All returns requests need to be within 30 days of when the original order was received. Original shipping costs will not be refunded.


  • Back-Tap's patented collapsible design allows it to engage be placed through the spark plug hole and into the chamber
  • The Back tap repairs the damaged thread as it is drawn up through the spark plug hole
  • Meets or exceeds ANSI standards.
  • Back-Tap 14 millimeter thread straightening tool for spark plug fouled threads
  • Collapsible design allows it to engage be placed through the spark plug hole and into the chamber
  • Expands the tool's threaded area and threading into the clean threads
  • Backtap repairs the damaged threads as it is drawn up through the spark plug hole



The Back-Tap's patented collapsible design allows it to engage be placed through the spark plug hole and into the chamber. A mandrel is then drawn back, expanding the tool's threaded area and threading into the clean threads at the bottom of the spark plug hole. The Backtap repairs the damaged thread as it is drawn up through the spark plug hole, bringing debris and metal filings with it.



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