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  • Fast-drying, metallic copper spray adhesive/sealant helps to dissipate heat, prevents gasket burnout, and improves heat transfer
  • Fills minor surface irregularities, fills hot spots and surface imperfections
  • Resists all types of automotive fluids, especially gasoline
  • Temperature Range: -50°F to 500°F (-45°C to 260°C)
  • Suggested Applications: Cylinder head gaskets, exhaust manifold gaskets, and other high temperature applications



Permatex Copper Spray-A-Gasket Hi-Temp Adhesive Sealant is a fast-drying, metallic copper sealant that helps dissipate heat, prevents gasket burnout and improves heat transfer. It seals instantly and fills minor surface irregularities and hot spots. Resists all types of automotive fluids, especially gasoline, and has a temperature range of -50 degrees Fahrenheit to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Suggested applications include cylinder head gaskets, carburetor gaskets, exhaust manifold gaskets and other high temperature applications. When a chemical gasket is not an option, Permatex offers a wide range of gasket sealants suitable for applications on both import and domestic vehicles of any model year or performance caliber.



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