Delivery info

Delivery is generally
within 2-10 days, depending
on your location.

30 days returns

Return will not accepted if the product is opened or after use. All returns requests need to be within 30 days of when the original order was received. Original shipping costs will not be refunded.


  • Prevents seizing, corrosion and galling where high temperature conditions exist
  • Fortified with high quality rust and corrosion inhibitors
  • Provides good electrical conductivity
  • Contains a high percentage of micro-fine copper flakes in a semi-synthetic grease carrier
  • Temperature Range: -30°F to 1800°F (-34°C to 982°C) 


 Permatex Copper Anti-Seize Lubricant is a premium quality copper anti-seize and thread lubricant that can be used to prevent seizing, corrosion and galling where high temperature conditions exist. This specialized formula contains a high percentage of micro-fine copper flakes in a semi-synthetic grease carrier and is fortified with high quality rust and corrosion inhibitors.



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